World-class legal services


Our track record includes advising on the most complex cases for the largest corporations and banks, both Russian and foreign.

We are the same team that, as part of Clifford Chance, has been recognized one of Russia's leading L&DR practice groups for more than a decade.

Flexible pricing

Unlike some international firms, we are willing to work under a pricing structure that best fits the specifics of the particular matter and the client's interests.


We are a boutique firm, and we devote our undivided attention and bring the highest level of commitment to everything we do. For us, achieving the best possible outcome for our clients is of paramount importance. We offer support 24/7, and at least one partner is involved hands-on in managing all aspects of each matter.


Cross-border disputes and investigations are a core area of our expertise. When advising on cross-border matters we leverage the resources of both Clifford Chance's network of offices and other leading advisors around the world. This flexibility means that we can engage the most suitable local advisors, free of conflicts of interest and with the best possible pricing.

International reach

We treat conflicts of interest with the utmost seriousness. However, we are a new firm specializing in dispute resolution, and as such we can represent clients in matters that many large international firms are unable to take on due to conflicts of interest.
Timur Aitkulov
Work experience
2004 - 2021
Clifford Chance CIS Limited (Moscow), Partner since 2007 (Advocate's Office of Timur Aitkulov in cooperation with Clifford Chance)
1996 - 2004
Blishchenko & Partners Law Office
1995 - 1996
Before founding the firm, Timur was a partner at the Moscow office of Clifford Chance for about 15 years.
Перед тем, как основать Аиткулов и партнеры, Тимур около 15 лет был партнером московского офиса Клиффорд Чанс.

Тимур специализируется на международных арбитражных и судебных разбирательствах в России и за рубежом, административных и уголовно-правовых вопросах, связанных с предпринимательской деятельностью.

На протяжении более 25 лет он представляет интересы клиентов в российских судах на всех уровнях судебной системы, включая Верховный Суд РФ и Конституционный Суд РФ, в международных коммерческих арбитражах (МКАС при ТПП РФ, SCC, ICC, LCIA, правила UNCITRAL). Тимур также выступает в качестве арбитра.

Тимур имеет огромный опыт в строительных, корпоративных, антимонопольных спорах, делах по банкротству, а также в спорах, касающихся нефти и газа, энергетики, горнорудной, фармацевтической промышленности, интеллектуальной собственности, финансового сектора.

Тимур Аиткулов широко известен в России и за рубежом. Международные рейтинговые агентства на протяжении многих лет рекомендуют его как ведущего специалиста по разрешению споров.
He specializes in international arbitration, domestic and cross-border litigation, administrative proceedings and white-collar criminal matters.
For more than 25 years he has been representing clients in the Russian courts at all levels, including before the Russian Supreme Court and Constitutional Court, and in international commercial arbitrations (ICAC at the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, SCC, ICC, LCIA, UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules). Timur also acts as an arbitrator.
Timur has extensive experience handling construction, corporate, antitrust and bankruptcy disputes, and in disputes in the oil and gas, energy, mining, pharmaceuticals, intellectual property and financial sectors.
Timur is widely known in Russia and abroad. For many years he has been ranked as a leading dispute resolution specialist by various international legal directories:

"Timur Aitkulov is a market-leading disputes lawyer widely recognised for both his domestic and international dispute resolution abilities. He represents significant Russian and global clients in major conflicts, including international arbitration cases abroad as well as before Russian courts. Interviewees unanimously agree that his top ranking is well deserved, confirming: "He's very experienced and he's very good."
1997 - 2001
Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (MGIMO), PhD in Law
1997 - 1999
Russian School of Private Law (Institute), Private Law Research Centre (PLRC), Master of Laws
1992 - 1997
Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (MGIMO), Diploma with honors
Member of the Moscow Bar
Member of the Board of the Russian Arbitration Association (RAA)
Member of the Presidium of the Russian Arbitration Center at the Russian Institute of Modern Arbitration
Deringer Tessin Herrmann & Sedemund
Member of BVI IAC Arbitration Committee
Member of the SIAC Users Council
Timur Aitkulov
Крупной российской добывающей компании в арбитражном разбирательстве в Стокгольме по Регламенту ЮНСИТРАЛ, а также в судебных разбирательствах на территории России и США в связи со спором на сумму 5 млрд. долл. США в отношении одного из крупнейших в России месторождений алмазов. После многолетних разбирательств все иски против компании были отклонены

Одного из крупнейших в мире поставщиков урановой продукции, в арбитражном разбирательстве в Стокгольме по требованию на 1 млрд. долл. США, предъявленному против него. Решение по данному делу было вынесено полностью в пользу клиента

Российской компании в связи с контрактом ЕРС стоимостью около 500 млн. долл. США на строительство завода для производства аммиака в России. После того, как завод был построен, был выявлен ряд дефектов, некоторые из которых могли поставить под угрозу стабильное функционирование завода. В итоге, нашему клиенту удалось устранить дефекты за счет средств подрядчиков, а не клиента, как настаивали сами подрядчики, а также получить продление гарантийных сроков и банковских гарантий.

Крупнейшего российского банка в Конституционном Суде РФ, в которой оспаривались нормы российского законодательства, ограничивающие стороны в передаче споров в третейский суд. Конституционный Суд РФ принял жалобу к производству и вынес знаковое постановление, которым признал ограничения недопустимыми.

Представление интересов крупнейшего российского банка в Девятом арбитражном апелляционном суде по делу на 1,1 млрд. долл. США о законности двух сделок с опционами, заключенных между банком и его контрагентом. В удовлетворении требования контрагента банка было полностью отказано.
Member of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Court of Arbitration (2015 - 2021)
Olga Semushina
Before founding Aitkulov & Partners, Olga was a senior associate at the Moscow office of Clifford Chance for almost 10 years.
Before founding Aitkulov & Partners, Olga was a senior associate at the Moscow office of Clifford Chance for almost 10 years.

Olga specializes in litigation, administrative proceedings and arbitration in Russia and abroad, as well as internal investigations and AML procedures.

Another area of focus for Olga is major infrastructure projects and construction litigation under both Russian and foreign law.
Olga specializes in litigation, administrative proceedings and arbitration in Russia and abroad, as well as internal investigations and AML procedures.
Another area of focus for Olga is major infrastructure projects and construction litigation under both Russian and foreign law.
2007 - 2009
Russian School of Private Law (Institute), Private Law Research Centre (PLRC)
2002 - 2007
Tomsk State University
Some of the matters Olga has led include representing/advising:
Work experience
2012 - 2021
Clifford Chance CIS Limited
2009 - 2012
Egorov, Puginsky Afanasiev & Partners
Member of the Alumni Association of the Russian School of Private Law
Olga has been recommended by the independent legal directory The Legal 500 for a number of years, including in 2021, when the publication named her "Next Generation Partner" in arbitration and mediation.
Olga has been recommended by the independent legal directory The Legal 500 for a number of years, including in 2021, when the publication named her "Next Generation Partner" in arbitration and mediation.

"Olga Semushina... is very dedicated to the client and the cases that she handles. Olga provides thoughtful advice and has the ability to run very complex regulatory disputes".
Recomendations The Legal 500
a Russian company on the financing and construction of an LNG plant and associated infrastructure at a cost of about USD 25 billion, including construction of LNG storage tanks, a power station, tankers and a seaport, and also regarding certain contentious issues surrounding the supply of equipment for the power station which arose due to the bankruptcy of the general contractor
a major mining company in an arbitration in Stockholm under the SCC Arbitration Rules, involving a claim of more than USD 120 million against a major Western European company in connection with bribery of a Russian company's staff by the European company in the course of negotiating the terms of supply contracts. The case ultimately ended with the conclusion of an amicable settlement
Selected experience
Olga Semushina
a major international bank in a bankruptcy proceeding initiated against a Russian individual. The claim was unique in that it was based on a Swiss law-governed loan agreement that was secured by mortgage agreements governed by French law. It was the first time the Russian courts had encountered such a structure in their practice in individual bankruptcy cases. The client's claims were ultimately included in the register of creditors' claims
a Russian petrochemical company on various issues arising in the course of performance of supply and engineering services contracts with a German contractor worth approximately USD 860 million in connection with the construction of a major ethylene plant in one of Russia's regions. In the course of fulfilling the contracts numerous disagreements arose, including as to the quality of the work, the scope of the contractor's design and delivery obligations, early delivery of equipment, reimbursement of Export Credit Agency insurance costs, etc.
"Olga Semushina... is very dedicated to the client and the cases that she handles. Olga provides thoughtful advice and has the ability to run very complex regulatory disputes".
Victor Parkhomenko
Before founding Aitkulov & Partners, Victor was a senior associate at the Moscow office of Clifford Chance. Victor has significant experience, including:
Before founding Aitkulov & Partners, Victor was a senior associate at the Moscow office of Clifford Chance. Victor has significant experience, including:

representing clients in international commercial arbitration under the LCIA, SCC and UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules;

advising on corporate, commercial and bankruptcy disputes in Russian and foreign courts;

advising on internal investigations, AML procedures and parallel criminal proceedings.
representing clients in international commercial arbitration under the LCIA, SCC and UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules;
advising on corporate, commercial and bankruptcy disputes in Russian and foreign courts;
2013 - 2014
Queen Mary University of London
2007 - 2012
Kutafin Moscow State Law University
Work experience
2012 - 2021
Clifford Chance CIS Limited
advising on internal investigations, AML procedures and parallel criminal proceedings.
Representing a leading Russian investment bank in an LCIA arbitration. The arbitration was initiated by the bank in connection with the failure to exercise an option worth about USD 250 million. The necessity to pay the option price depended on complex factual circumstances evidencing a change of corporate control over the bank's counterparty. The tribunal granted bank's claim in full.
1/ Representing a leading Russian investment bank in an LCIA arbitration. The arbitration was initiated by the bank in connection with the failure to exercise an option worth about USD 250 million. The necessity to pay the option price depended on complex factual circumstances evidencing a change of corporate control over the bank's counterparty. The tribunal granted bank's claim in full.

2/Representing the investment arm of a major Russian bank in a case stemming from a transaction under which our client acquired an IT corporation. The case involved unique issues as to whether the ultimate beneficiaries – shareholders of foreign holding companies – could bring an action for invalidation of transactions of Russian companies or claim damages. The claims against the investment arm of the bank were dismissed.

3/ Representing a major international bank in bankruptcy proceedings against a Russian factoring company. The bankruptcy trustee of the factoring company brought an action for invalidation of a securitization transaction. The value of the claim was about USD 300 million. The claims against the bank were dismissed.

4/ Representing a major Russian producer of fertilizers in a USD 120 million arbitration venued in Stockholm and heard under the rules of the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce, which was initiated against a major European company suspected of fraud involving the Russian company's staff in negotiating the terms of a contract. The claim was successfully settled.
Representing the investment arm of a major Russian bank in a case stemming from a transaction under which our client acquired an IT corporation. The case involved unique issues as to whether the ultimate beneficiaries – shareholders of foreign holding companies – could bring an action for invalidation of transactions of Russian companies or claim damages. The claims against the investment arm of the bank were dismissed.
Victor Parkhomenko
Selected experience
Representing a major international bank in bankruptcy proceedings against a Russian factoring company. The bankruptcy trustee of the factoring company brought an action for invalidation of a securitization transaction. The value of the claim was about USD 300 million. The claims against the bank were dismissed.
Representing a major Russian producer of fertilizers in a USD 120 million arbitration venued in Stockholm and heard under the rules of the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce, which was initiated against a major European company suspected of fraud involving the Russian company's staff in negotiating the terms of a contract. The claim was successfully settled.
Galina Valentirova
Galina was previously a senior associate at the Moscow office of Clifford Chance, where she worked for more than six and a half years.
Galina has significant experience in litigation, arbitration and administrative proceedings in Russia and abroad, and also in internal investigations, AML procedures and parallel criminal proceedings. She regularly advises on construction disputes (under Russian and foreign law) and bankruptcy disputes (including cross-border bankruptcy).
2013 - 2015
Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (MGIMO), Master of Laws (diploma with honors)
2009 - 2013
Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (MGIMO), Bachelor of Jurisprudence (diploma with honors)
Work experience
2014 - 2021
Clifford Chance CIS Limited
Advising a Russian company with respect to a USD 500 million EPC contract for engineering, procurement and construction of an ammonia plant in Russia. After the plant was built, a number of defects were identified, some of which could have jeopardized its stable operation. Ultimately our client managed to have the defects in the high-cost equipment rectified at the expense of the contractors – rather than at its own expense, as the contractors had insisted – and to obtain an extension of the warranty period and performance bonds on terms favorable for the client.
Representing a major international bank in a bankruptcy proceeding initiated against a Russian individual. The claim was unique in that it was based on a Swiss law-governed loan agreement that was secured by mortgage agreements governed by French law. It was the first time the Russian courts had encountered such a structure in their practice in individual bankruptcy cases. The client's claims of more than USD 13 million were ultimately included in the register of creditors' claims.
Galina Valentirova
Selected experience
Representing subsidiaries of a major European drinks producer in a case involving the bankruptcy of the client's former Russian subsidiary in Russian court. The bankruptcy administrator initiated legal action challenging payments that had been made by the bankrupt debtor to the client under a loan agreement and seeking to have the client and a number of individuals held vicariously liable for the debtor's obligations. Both of the bankruptcy administrator's claims were rejected in their entirety by the Russian courts, including at the level of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation.
Representing subsidiaries of a group of European companies in court proceedings in Moscow (the seat of arbitration) in which the client was seeking to have a final award in an ad hoc multilateral international commercial arbitration (under which the client and several individuals had been ordered to pay approximately EUR 50 million in damages and interest) set aside, and also in proceedings initiated against the client for the issuance of a writ of execution in respect of the award.
Svyatoslav Skopintsev
Prior to joining Aitkulov & Partners Svyatoslav worked as a deputy general counsel at a private investment firm and a senior associate in the Moscow office of Debevoise & Plimpton for more than a decade.
Ранее она была старшим юристом московского офиса Клиффорд Чанс (с общим опытом работы в Клиффорд Чанс более шести с половиной лет).

Галина имеет значительный опыт сопровождения судебных, административных и арбитражных разбирательств в России и за рубежом, а также внутренних расследований, AML процедур и параллельных уголовных процессов. В частности, Галина регулярно участвует в сопровождении строительных споров (по российскому и иностранному праву) и споров по делам о банкротстве (включая трансграничное банкротство).
Svyatoslav’s practice focuses on Russian and cross-border M&A transactions, joint ventures, buybacks, corporate restructurings, resolution of corporate conflicts, and general corporate matters. Another area of Svyatoslav’s interests is digital assets, FinTech and Blockchain.
Columbia Business School & Training The Street, Business Education Program
2005 - 2010
Lomonosov Moscow State University (diploma with honors)
Work experience
2019 - 2022
Private investment firm
Debevoise & Plimpton
2012 - 2019
2008 - 2012
Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton
MegaFon in an offer by its subsidiary MegaFon Investments Cyprus Limited to purchase for cash common shares and GDRs of MegaFon (for approximately $1.12 billion).
1/ Консультирование российской компании в связи с контрактом ЕРС стоимостью около 500 млн долларов США на строительство завода для производства аммиака в России. После того, как завод был построен, был выявлен ряд дефектов, некоторые из которых могли поставить под угрозу стабильное функционирование завода. В итоге, нашему клиенту удалось устранить дефекты дорогостоящего оборудования за счет средств подрядчиков, а не клиента, как настаивали сами подрядчики, а также получить продление гарантийных сроков и банковских гарантий на выгодных для клиента условиях.

2/ Представление интересов дочерних компаний крупного европейского производителя напитков в рамках дела о банкротстве бывшей российской дочерней компании клиента в российском суде. Конкурсный управляющий обратился в суд с заявлениями об оспаривании платежей, осуществленных должником-банкротом в пользу клиента по договору займа, а также о привлечении клиента и ряда физических лиц к субсидиарной ответственности по обязательствам должника. Оба заявления конкурсного управляющего были отклонены российскими судами в полном объеме, в том числе на уровне Верховного Суда РФ.

3/ Представление интересов крупнейшего международного банка в рамках процедуры банкротства, инициированной в отношении российского физического лица. Предъявленный иск является единственным в своем роде, т.к. он основан на кредитном договоре, регулируемом швейцарским правом, в качестве обеспечения по которому выступали договоры ипотеки, регулируемые французским правом. Российские суды впервые столкнулись с подобной структурой в своей практике по делам по банкротстве физических лиц. Требования клиента были включены в реестр требований кредиторов на сумму более 13 млн долларов США.

4/ Представление интересов группы европейских компаний в рамках судебных разбирательств в г. Москве (место проведения арбитража), инициированных клиентом с целью отменить окончательное арбитражное решение, вынесенное в рамках многостороннего международного коммерческого арбитража "ad hoc" (арбитражным решением с клиента и ряда физических лиц солидарно взысканы убытки на сумму около 50 млн евро и проценты), а также инициированных против клиента с целью выдачи исполнительного листа в отношении этого решения.
Uralkali in a buyback program of its common shares and GDRs with a total purchase amount of up to $1.5 billion.
Svyatoslav Skopintsev
Selected experience
An international group of companies in the acquisition of IT companies in Russia.
A major shareholder of a Russian oil company in the sale of its stake to a major Russian oil production company.
Maria Shabalina
2017 - 2023
Kulkov, Kolotilov and Partners
2023 - 2024
Work experience
The Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation, PhD in Law
Member of the Moscow Bar
Higher school of economics (HSE), National Research University, Master of Laws
2015 - 2017
2011 - 2015
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Best Lawyers 2023-2024: corporate disputes, commercial disputes, insolvency
Maria Shabalina
Mikhail Ivannikov
2013 - 2015
2015 - 2018
Jones Day
CMS (from 2022 SEAMLESS Legal)
2018 - 2024
Work experience
2004 - 2009
Kutafin Moscow State Law University
Member of the Moscow Bar
Rossiyskaya Gazeta 2023: Criminal Law
Best Lawyers 2022: Criminal Defense, Litigation
Mikhail Ivannikov
Elizaveta Galter
Vegas Lex
2020 - 2021
Work experience
2021 - 2023
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Master of Laws
Lomonosov Moscow State University
2017 - 2021
Elizaveta Galter
Roman Fridlender
2015 - 2017
Private investment firm
Сapital Legal Services
2017 - 2024
Work experience
2010 - 2015
Higher school of economics (HSE), National Research University
Recomendations The Legal 500
Rising star 2023 (probankruptcy rankings)
Roman Fridlender
Roman has been recommended by the independent legal directory The Legal 500 in 2021.
Work experience
Herbert Smith Freehills
2022 - 2023
Nikolskaya Consulting
2021 - 2022
Victoria Goloverova
2021 - 2023
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Master of Laws (Diploma with Honors)
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Bachelor of Jurisprudence (Diploma with Honors)
2017 - 2021
Victoria Goloverova
Work experience
2021 - 2022
Vegas Lex
Ivan Nikolaev
2021 - 2023
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Master of Laws
Lomonosov Moscow State University (Diploma with Honors)
2017 - 2021
Ivan Nikolaev
Anna Firsova
2020 - 2024
Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (MGIMO) (Diploma with Honors)
Higher school of economics (HSE), National Research University, Master of Laws
2024 - 2026
Anna Firsova
Ivan Roshchepkin
2024 - 2026
The Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Master of Laws
The Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (Diploma with Honors)
2020 - 2024
Ivan Roshchepkin
Sofya Braterskaya
2021 - 2025
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Sofya Braterskaya
Egor Matsaev
2021 - 2025
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Egor Matsaev
Kirill Tsukanov
2021 - 2025
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Kirill Tsukanov
Maxim Zimnukhov
2021 - 2025
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Maxim Zimnukhov
+7 495 734 87 85
Bolshaya Gruzinskaya St., 30A, bldg. 1,
123056, Moscow, Russia
© LLC "Aitkulov and pratners" 2025